
LinkedIn Job Search Basics

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for job searching and applying for jobs, offering various functionalities beyond just posting your resume. Here's how you can leverage it effectively: Optimise your profile: Headline: Craft a clear and compelling headline that summarises your value proposition and includes relevant keywords. Summary: Write a professional summary highlighting your skills, experience, [...]

By |2024-03-07T18:07:06+00:00March 7th, 2024|Career Development, Job Hunting, LinkedIn|Comments Off on LinkedIn Job Search Basics

Customise Your LinkedIn URL

Customise Your LinkedIn URL By default, LinkedIn assigns you a URL that comprises random numbers and letters, but you can create a unique URL that looks more professional. Customise your URL on your profile page. Click the Me icon at the top right of the page. Click View Profile. Click Edit Public Profile & URL. [...]

By |2022-01-10T18:42:25+00:00March 13th, 2020|LinkedIn|Comments Off on Customise Your LinkedIn URL

Improve your LinkedIn profile

How to improve your LinkedIn profile Custom URL: Replace the default URL with a custom URL that includes your name. Bullet Points: Choose bullets that are LI-friendly, such as the ones on my profile at Do not use any other ones unless they are copied from a LinkedIn profile. Settings: Choose privacy settings that [...]

By |2017-01-29T13:16:43+00:00July 8th, 2015|LinkedIn|Comments Off on Improve your LinkedIn profile

LinkedIn Skills Endorsements

In September 2012, LinkedIn introduced their Skills Endorsement feature, which builds on the existing information in the Skills and Expertise section of a profile. It is a quick and simple way to let the LI world know about your connections' skills and abilities. As with recommendations, you are more likely to receive endorsements if you [...]

By |2017-01-28T15:04:53+00:00October 3rd, 2012|LinkedIn|3 Comments

LinkedIn Tips for Job Seekers

LinkedIn is a social media site that should now be a key part of each and everyone`s job hunt, whether for a first job or for something that will further develop a career. A site of purely business connections, where the only interest from other users is business, it multiplies countless times the number of [...]

By |2017-01-28T15:05:07+00:00August 1st, 2012|CV Writing Tips|4 Comments
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