To improve your job search, use AI-powered tools like Wordtune to rephrase job descriptions and ChatGPT to generate relevant achievements. Use the STAR method to structure your statements and tools like to create a professional CV. For industry-specific language, try Textio. Use Grammarly or ProWritingAid to proofread and Jobscan to optimise for ATS scanners.

For job seekers looking to enhance their CVs, a variety of powerful tools are available. Wordtune can effectively rephrase job postings and highlight essential skills. ChatGPT can generate a list of accomplishments that are relevant to the position.

The STAR approach can be used to structure statements in a compelling and impactful way. provides professional templates to help make your resume stand out. Textio can analyse resumes and ensure that they include industry-specific language.

Finally, tools such as Grammarly and ProWritingAid can be used to proofread your CV, and Jobscan can optimise it for ATS (Applicant Tracking System) scanners. With these tools, you can significantly increase your chances of landing your dream job.

Here are some tips on how to use AI when writing a CV (written partly by AI, of course):

Summarise the job listing with AI

You can use a tool like Wordtune to paraphrase the job description and identify the main keywords and skills the employer seeks.

Ask AI to list needed achievements

ChatGPT can generate bullet points of relevant achievements based on your skills and the job requirements. For example, you can input “I have experience in customer service and sales”, and ChatGPT might output “Increased customer satisfaction by 25% and sales revenue by 15% in the last quarter”.

List achievements from previous jobs

You have to do this without AI help, but you can use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your statements and quantify your impact.

Choose an appealing resume format

You can use a template or a tool like to create a simple and professional resume that is easy to read and scan by humans and AI.

Use AI to add industry-specific language

You can use a tool like Textio to analyse your CV, suggest words and phrases commonly used in your industry, and match the tone and style of the job listing.

Proofread your resume using AI

You can use a tool like Grammarly or ProWritingAid to check your spelling, grammar, punctuation, and readability. You can also use a tool like Jobscan to compare your CV with the job listing and get feedback on optimising it for ATS (Applicant Tracking System).


I hope these tips help you create a CV that showcases your skills and qualifications.

Contact us for further information.

Good luck with your job search!